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Senin, 15 Juni 2009

Lihat profil Netlog saya

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laki-laki - 41 tahun
Jawa Tengah

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Saya telah membuat profil Netlog dengan foto-foto saya, video-video, blog dan event dan saya ingin menambahkan kamu sebagai teman sehingga kamu bisa melihat semua ini. Pertama-tama kamu harus mendaftar di Netlog!
Kemudian kamu dapat membuat profil kamu sendiri.

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Netlog NV/SA - E. Braunplein 18. B-9000 Gent. Belgium. .
BE0859635972 -

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Jumat, 15 Mei 2009

24 Personil telah bergabung di NetworkedBlog Audio Video. Siapa menyusul?

dear all,

Teknik Audio Video SMK Negeri 3 Tegal sudah membuat komunitas di NetworksBlog, silakan untuk bergabung!
Untuk bergabung klik di sini
Profil member yang telah bergabung akan tampil di blog

Ayo belajar menulis, betul-betul belajar menulis untuk meramaikan komunitas ini!

Terima kasih.
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Minggu, 03 Mei 2009

Komunitas Teknik Audio Video SMKN 3 Tegal

dear all,
Teknik Audio Video SMK Negeri 3 Tegal sudah membuat komunitas di NetworksBlog, silakan untuk bergabung klik :
 profil member yang telah bergabung akan tampil diblog
 Ayo belajar menulis, betul-betul belajar menulis untuk meramaikan komunitas ini!
 Terima kasih.
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Rabu, 15 April 2009

Komunitas Teknik Audio Video SMK Negeri 3 Tegal

dear all,
Deskripsi : Sarana Informasi dan Komunikasi untuk komunitas Teknik Audio Video khususnya di lingkungan Civitas Akademika SMK Negeri 3 Tegal
Teknik Audio Video SMK Negeri 3 Tegal sudah membuat komunitas di NetworksBlog, silakan untuk bergabung klik :
profil member yang telah bergabung akan tampil di blog
Terima kasih.
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Minggu, 05 April 2009

Dunia ini di tahun 2019, menurut Microsoft

Microsoft telah membuat sebuah video konsep yang memperlihatkan peran teknologi di dunia 10 tahun dari sekarang. Video berjudul 2019 ini memperlihatkan dunia di mana percakapan antar dua orang yang berbeda bahasa sangat mudah berkat sebuah dinding yang memungkinkan penggunanya untuk berinteraksi dengan siapapun di seluruh dunia tanpa peduli bahasa yang digunakan. Video ini juga memperlihatkan dunia di mana perangkat lunak membuat kita lebih mudah untuk berkolaborasi, berbagi ide dan membawa informasi ke mana saja.
Dari video ini, tampaknya Microsoft percaya bahwa teknologi layar sentuh akan menjadi alat input utama. Video tersebut juga memperlihatkan bagaimana seharusnya konten koran didistribusikan.

Saat Microsoft memimpikan masa depan, hasilnya memang tidak pernah mengecewakan. Microsoft memiliki banyak karyawan bertalenta tinggi dan menginvestasikan dana yang sangat besar, dapat dibandingkan dengan biaya produksi untuk film-film science fiction budget besar.

Di konferensi Wharton Business Technology, presiden divisi bisnis Microsoft Stephen Elop memperlihatkan video di bawah ini.

Selengkapnya di : Microsoft Office Labs vision 2019

Koran Multimedia

Berbeda Bahasa

Meeting Multimedia

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Rabu, 25 Maret 2009

Animating a Butterfly

Movie link Project sit Project zip

---Creating the Butterfly in Photoshop---

At this season in Paris there are no butterflies and I wanted my butterfly in red so I needed to ask the permission to use an existing picture.

It comes from Liang-Wu Cai , he took this wonderful butterfly picture at Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, Concord, MA. in August 2, 1997" .
The link to his page is here :

In Photoshop I used a rulers guide, (blue vertical line)
that will make up the axis of symmetry (left-right)
and will serve later as reference to spread out a little bit the wings of butterfly as I had separate them from the body.

After erasing the background, I've created 3 layers which holds separately: body, left wing, right wing.

As you see on screen shots on the right, wings were spread out with rubber stamp to "stick" to the blue line of symmetry.

---Importing the Butterfly into After Effects---

In After Effects, import "butterfy.psd" file as "Composition" (see right screen shot)

After the import, we end up in Project window
(see screen shot above), with a folder with 3 stills related to 3 layers in Photoshop file and new After Effects composition that holds already these 3 layers in time line (see screen shot below.)

---Setting Up the Butterfly Comp---

Go to the composition settings (see screen shot to the right) and make more room for the butterfly , let's say: 600 x 400 pixels (for flying butterfly needs more space ) and make the duration of composition to 1 second (we will see after how to expand the "life" of butterfly to ANY duration we need)

In timeline (see screen shot below) make all 3 layers "3D" clicking in 3D box column, also check high quality display.

shutter angle = 0 = no motion blur at all
Go again to the composition settings and choose "Advanced" tab (see screen shot below) . In rendering Plug-in choose "Advanced 3D" and specify 360 for "shutter angle" as we want high motion blur

shutter angle = 360 = highest motion blur

---Setting Up the Butterfly Wings Anchor Point---

As we are going to rotate wings in space to make them fly, we need to shift their anchor points toward the axis of symmetry. In After Effects we can use "rulers guides" (thanks Adobe). Select left wing layer in time line. Using "Pan behind Y" tool (see screen shot), move it with mouse towards "center of gravity". Redo the same for right wing. Now we are ready to animate the butterfly



---Animating the Butterfly Wings---

We are going to rotate butterfly wings in 3D space along Y (green arrow) axis so the better view to work with is Top view.
Enable Y-axis key-frames in timeline for wings. We need only 3 key frames during 1 second. See screen shots below.

WINGS KEY FRAMES for Y-rotation
at time code 00:00 and 00:24
WINGS KEY FRAMES for Y-rotation
at time code 00:12

As wings overlap the body, we need to shift body position in Z direction about 10 pixels (see blue highlights on screen shot below).Enable motion blur and make preview in custom view. Butterfly flies already, sure in place, we are going to let it fly using trajectories and the camera in the next step. We could also animate the body by rotating it in X or Z axis.

---Looping the Butterfly in Time---

Now we have a flying butterfly during 1 second and we will use it in the new composition during let's say 15 seconds.
There is a trick to loop a composition (thanks to Dan Ebberts here at COW forum) :

Pre-comp the comp you want to loop into a new comp that is long enough to hold all the loops you want. Enable time remapping for the new comp. Type "rr" to reveal the keyframes. Set a keyframe at the last frame of the loop. Delete the keyframe at the end of the comp. You should now have keyframes at the start of the loop and the end of the loop. Enter this expression in the time-remapping property:


That should do it.

If you use the method I described, you'll lose the first frame of your loop after it plays through once. If that's important, you need to add one more keyframe after the one at the end of the loop and set its value to zero. loop_out("cycle",0) behaves better if the last keyframe is identical to the first one.

I've found a work around to this solution: (see the screen shot below), I don't have 100% of speed but I'm close to it and I manage with 2 key frames. From now, I've created a new composition with duration of 15 seconds and thanks to expressions I could layout the 1 second butterfly animation to any length, simply by dragging its right handle in timeline.

Explanation: loop_out("cycle",0)

In order to understand what really does loop_out("cycle",0) I'll try to explain it here: If we convert an expression to key frames we will see periodical "use" of frames from 1 second composition within "outlasting" composition.

---Animate the Butterfly in 3D Space and in Time---

From now there are 100,000 possibilities to animate the butterfly comp within After Effects 3D space. Here, I've just added a camera without animating it, instead I've animated position and rotations of butterfly. Butterfly flies with the constant speed defined in its composition of 1 second.

For more fun, I've duplicated previous "comp1" of duration 15 seconds into "comp1*" for which I've extended duration to 25 seconds, so I was able to do some time remapping. In "comp1*" I could speed up or slow down the butterfly in order to achieve another result.

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